Grow Cook Enjoy

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Gardening in Small Spaces

You don’t need huge amounts of space to grow vegetables

Don't think you have the resources for gardening? Think again! We can help you create a garden in your space.

Grow Cook Enjoy are experts at providing careful and clever planning in the design of your growing area so that you can plant your vegetables in succession, enabling the smallest of growing areas to be used in providing some of the crops for your project.

When working in small spaces, traditional gardening can be thrown out of the window; instead, we work out clever, alternative solutions.

Go vertical if you are short on ground space.  There are different varieties of vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, cucumber, mangetout, beans and courgettes that will grow upwards, supported on a trellis.

Herbs and small lettuces can be grown in specially designed wall pouches, window boxes, guttering, tin cans or old welly boots!  Many of these containers can be fixed out of the way to walls, fences or railings.

Creating your gardening area need not cost you a lot of money.  Recycle, recycle, recycle!  Pallets, large cans and old tyres can all be used to create planting space.  Get the art department involved and use it as an opportunity to enhance the children’s environment by painting these objects to create a bright and colourful gardening space.

Grow Cook Enjoy can help you use your space effectively to create an accessible, bright and effective growing area.  It’s one of the most interesting aspects of our work and we relish the challenge each time we walk on site for the first time.

So you can hire us even if you don’t have a dedicated allotment on site!