Panzanella Salad
100g Ciabatta ( stale fine) or and bread Wheat
300g tomatoes ( mixed colours and shapes)
1/4 spring onion (optional)
1/2 red pepper
1/2 tsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tbsp Olive oil
40g broad beans(defrosted or fresh) or other green beans
Salt and pepper
Fresh basil
Serves 2
How to Make
Heat the oven 100℃
Tear the ciabatta into 10 pieces, place on a tray in the oven for 20 mins to dry out ( or use stale bread.)
Heat the oven to 180℃
Break the peppers into pieces and place on a tray with a little olive oil and roast for 20 mins, then cool
Chop the tomatoes into even size pieces place in a bowl and sprinkle with 1/4 tsp salt
Leave for 15min and the fruits juices should start to appear.
The tomato juice is part of the dressing. Add the vinegar and oil to the bowl.
Shell the beans, simmer in boiling water for 5 mins, drain and cool, then add to the tomatoes
Toss together the Ciabatta bread, tomatoes, peppers and snip in some spring onion and the leaves of fresh basil.
Serve as a side dish or eat on it’s own.
*If not eating right away add the bread just before serving.